Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Rundown: The First Rule of Fight Club...

I really don't like Dallas. I never have, probably never will. Well that's two losses in a row for the Wings. Dallas came out fighting. Literally and figuratively. I'm also sure that this might have been the most penalties the Wings have taken in a game this entire season. (Not sure on that one, but it seems totally possible, right?) Anyways... to the Rundown.

First Period-

So the first power play for the Wings came very fast. I thought for sure the Wings would go up 1-0 on this power play... but it didn't happen.

And then.. what? Darren Helm scrapping a little bit? I like it.

Jimmy made some pretty good saves in the first, up until Mike Ribiero found an open spot in the net and scored late in the period. Minutes later Eriksson had a nice shorthanded goal that put the Wings down by 2. Dallas even out-shot the Wings 12-8 in the first... which only means trouble.

I want to point out that I think Mursak came out playing really strong. He's showing a lot of potential and I can't wait to see what he will do once he finds himself a permanent spot on the roster.

Second Period-

Holy penalties. There was a combined total of 38 penalty minutes in the 2nd period alone. 38 minutes. More than half the time of the game. I know this isn't a high number compared to a number of other games played in the NHL this season, but for a Red Wings game? I'm impressed.

Anyways, Krys Barsch scored in the 2nd. Which I don't really care about because he spells his name K-R-Y-S.

I was quickly losing interest in the game now that the score was 2-0 in favor of Dallas and the Wings weren't really playing "Red Wing Hockey"... so I was pretty confused with the whole Franzen situation. It seemed to go on for awhile and I was just waiting for the gloves to drop. I was also waiting for Franzen to reach over to some guy and just take the mouth guard out of his mouth. Kind of like this...

That video still cracks me up every time.

Also, after that little mix up, whenever the camera went to Jimmy he had the devil in his eyes. Jimmy was ready to just punch a guy. Kind of like what he did to Crosby that one time.

Third Period-

Dear Johnathan Ericsson,
There are many times when I curse at the TV because of things you do. However, during the third period of tonight's game, you dropped the gloves and fought Steve Ott. I loved every moment of it. I hope that soon you stop making bad plays at the wrong time and continue to do more things that make me happy. I don't like referring to you as the "good-looking hockey player who can't play." Hopefully the one hit that Ott got on you will change things around.
Love Always,

So Ericsson and Ott fought. It was enjoyable. Ericsson came out on top. It was also the first hockey fight that one of my room mates saw. Also enjoyable. I should mention that I'm in the process of turning a non-hockey house around and turning it into a hockey friendly environment. Even if they deny it, they know the game is growing on them. They don't know what's coming their way when the playoffs start.

Holmstrom scored with a little under 5 minutes left in the game. So at least we didn't get shut out.

Broadcaster Quote of the Game:
"Star light, star bright, first goal I see tonight" -Mickey York. ...Creative. I wish Murph would start talking about hot dogs again.

Well, Stef and I were both wrong with the final score and player of the game. I must admit though, I was so excited when Homer scored. Called it.

What's Next:
Wings @ Buffalo. Mr. Westland makes his return!!!!!

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