Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Rundown: NBC announcers can't pronounce.

Happy Hockey Day In America, America!

The Wings played in Minnesota this afternoon and got the win in overtime. The broadcast was on NBC. But before we get to the Rundown, let me tell you about how my game watching experience started today. I came home from work, in fact I left a little early so that I could make it home before the puck dropped. I sat down on the couch and put on NBC and watched their coverage on hockey day in America. Then the scariest thing in the world happened. At 12:30 PM, instead of the Wings coming up on my TV screen, I saw the Buffalo Sabres. My heart stopped. It was scary. I was scared. I stomped into my room and pouted. I wanted my Red Wings... I wanted the right then and there at 12:30. But nope, the lovely folks at NBC had other plans. THANKFULLY, it was just a quick scare. The Wings game was on at 12:43. Life was good again.

Onto the Rundown....
First Period-

I said it before, I'll say it again. I REALLY don't like NBC coverage of hockey games. Today was no exception. The announcers mispronounced 3 players names. THREE. Franzen, Rafalski, and Hudler. I can't even begin to explain how much stuff like that annoys me, especially since theses announcers are "professionals." Also, I've been told that the announcers are even given pronounciation keys on how properly say these names. And its not like those three names are even that difficult to pronounce. UGH.

The first period was scoreless but the Wings came out strong and played pretty well. Danny Cleary was completely killing it out on the ice. I feel like he had all of the Wing's first period shots. They guy kept firing and firing. Way to go Danny, hopefully one of those shots will go in later in the game. Franzen also had a penalty. The penalty kill was pretty good and there was a pretty solid effort made by Mr. Jimmy Howard. After that PK I had regrets not picking Jimmy for player of the game.

Towards the end of the first their was a "Let's Go Red Wings" chant. It made me smile. That makes me proud to be a Red Wings fan.

Second Period-

I wonder what it's like to be Martin Havlat. I think the guy has nightmares about the Red Wings. First that awesome hit from Kronwall back in the playoffs where he just got killed.
(See Right)
THEN, there was that collision with Hudler. Havlat probably pisses his pants just thinking about the Wings. That must be a rough life, constantly living in fear.

NBC did one of those coaches interviews with Babcock. Babcock smiled. I laughed so hard. That guy never looks happy.

Once again, another scoreless period.

Third Period-

Still through the third period... NBC announcers are pronouncing Franzen and Hudler incorrectly. I'm ready to write NBC an angry letter.

Mr. Perfect himself, Nicklas Lidstrom made the game 1-0 Wings with a perfect goal. Hudler and Stuart with the help.

Havlat scored on a breakaway to tie the game up just minutes after Lidstrom scored. Way to ruin the fun, Havlat. There's probably another hit coming your way.

There was a Minnesota shot on goal at 7:55 in the third. Jimmy blocked it, but the he seemed to freeze in that position for like 2 seconds. I don't know what happened to him but it literally seemed like he was in a video game and someone hit "pause" and he just stopped moving. I thought for sure it was danger time and Minnesota was going to score. Weird.

The Third ended with a 1-1 score. To OT we go.


Not much excitement here except Cleary didn't shoot the puck when he was supposed too.

Shoot Out-
There was a lovely Datsyukian goal, followed by a lovely Todd Bertuzzi goal. Again. On his 1,000 game. Way to go, Tuzzi. You're simply awesome. Congratulations.

Broadcaster Quote of the Game-
I didn't really write down a quote because the announcers made me so angry. But, there was about 5 minutes during the third period where they worshiped Detroit and just how awesome we are at hockey. Not only as a team, but as an organization, and as a city commonly referred to as Hockeytown. Loved it.

I'm also going to say that I won the player of the game prediction for today since Lidstrom scored. Hooray!

Tuesday the Wings take on the Sharks of San Jose.

Go Wings!


  1. So, you know that Backstrom was the star of the game and that Lidstrom was not any of the three right? How do you get 10 points?! lol

  2. he scored a goal? your guy didnt... =)

  3. Well if that's how we are going to do it. I think we should get 10 points every time our pick scores a goal?

    It may be easier than choosing the first star of the game. Maybe that should be worth 50 points?What do you think?
