Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Rundown: Snake Bite

So King Cobra, Johnathan Quick made some great saves and held the Wings to 1 goal all night. Also, the refs made some greeeeeaaaaaaat calls.


The Rundown-

So, I missed the entire first period driving home from work and making some delicious dinner for the rundown roomies. (Yes, my room mates will now be referred to as the Rundown Roomies. They provide me with lots of inspiration for my blog and make the games very enjoyable.)

Anyways, On my drive home, Helm scored. I may or may not have screamed with excitement. I also may or may not have gotten home from work and put on my Darren Helm shirt. Nerd Alert.

The second period, the Kings scored twice. Great. The Kings have only lost 1 game.... ONE GAME... when they've been in the lead going into the third. Right then and there, I felt like we were screwed.

Also, since when does high sticking not count as a penalty. I mean, that high stick that Lidstrom got to the face... COME ON REFS! ... Even the perfect human being himself was pissed... I'm pretty sure I read his lips too and Lidstrom was saying some pretty un-Lidstrom like words.

Then the third period... BORING. Nothing happened. No goals, no penalties, no fights.

The Wings need to pull off a win here sooner rather than later. Judging on how close everyone is in the West, it should be wins from here on out just so that we can get home ice in the play-offs.

Up next... The Edmonton Oilers, Friday Night.

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