Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Rundown: One Down!

Everything fell into place.

Special teams were on top of things.
Franzen showed us that the playoffs are his time to shine.
Jimmy was GREAT.
...oh, and the Tuzzi got in a fight.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves though, it's only the first game.

The Rundown:

So, let me start by saying... I sadly missed the first half of the game due to work commitments... but, when I got home and put on my green shirt... the magic started to happen. I was a bit weary when I came home and saw the Wings were trailing by one.

Let's talk about the goals that the Wings scored tonight....

-How the hell did Datsyuk make that happen? A wrap around goal? He really does know magic tricks.
-Then one from the Mule. I can only pray that he can play the same way he's played in playoffs past...
-Did anyone else think that Rafalski's shot from the blue line went STRAIGHT THROUGH anyone? Like literally through someone... there were tons of players in front of the net.
-And Hudler? That was one BEAUTIFUL goal!

Octopus Count:
Word on the street from someone at the game... 6 octopi.

Broadcaster Quote of the Game:
(In a Arnold Schwarzenegger voice) "Johan Franzen wants to PUCK YOU UP IN THE PLAYOFFFFFS!" -Mickey York

Next Game: Saturday 1PM.

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