Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't Say Farewell To Maltby Just Yet

Kirk Maltby
Kirk Maltby became the next Red Wing to go from being a part of the team to being a part of the office.

Maltby has been with the Red Wings since 1996 after playing two years for the Edmonton Oilers. During his time with the Wings, Maltby has won 4 Stanley Cups including the infamous back to back 1997 and 1998, then again in 2002 and 2008.

This past Tuesday, Maltby announced his retirement from the Wings after a long deliberation on whether to step down and play for the Grand Rapids Griffins or to retire and become a scout for the office. Becoming a scout should be a perfect fit for Maltby since he has been playing for the Wings for so long, he should know exactly what they’re looking for.

So Maltby fans, shed no tears he really didn’t go anywhere.

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