Saturday, February 19, 2011

Run-Down: The Tuzzi!

So after watching last nights game... or some of it at least, I must say, I am in love with Todd Bertuzzi. The guy is on fire. He's always out on the ice playing hard and putting fear into the eyes of every player not wearing the red and white. And, he has a great dentist too.

I can't do my normal recap for this game because I missed a lot of it. But, I'll give it a shot anyways.

Here's the rundown...

First Period-
So Todd Bertuzzi decided that this game was going to be won by the Wings. And when the Tuzzi decides something, it happens. Tuzzi scored a goal pretty quick into the game, automatically setting the tone for the rest of the game. Then my man, my prediction for player of the game, Mr. Danny Cleary scored a nice goal, putting the Wings 2 goals up.

Second Period-
The only thing I saw during the 2nd was Darren Helm having a "scare" and skating off the ice into the locker room. No joke, I whined. I was worried. I was scared. I was concerned. I don't want to see what would happen if he got injured. I would probably have tears coming out of my eyes.

Third Period-
I saw nothing of this period. Wait, that's a lie. I saw Joey MacDonald make the biggest save of his career with less than 30 seconds left in the third. Wait to go kid. I'm glad we didn't have to witness an overtime. If that happened, I think it would have ended bad for the good guys.

I'm not sure who won the Player of the Game prediction for this game. Cleary had a goal but Zetterberg had 2 assists.

Wings take on Minnesota tomorrow at 12:30.


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