Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This Is The Twilight Zone


That was... disappointing.

That was pathetic.

That was like nails on a chalk board.

That was like Larry Murphy sitting through a period of hockey.. then getting in line for a hot dog... only to find out that they don't cost $1 every night. (Sarah)

"Today we were a disgrace" - Henrik Zetterberg. I should just leave it at that.

I just don't know what to say. I'm baffled. I don't understand how that could happen. How could the entire team just not care? Where was the heart? Where was the passion? Where were the Red Wings?

We're spoiled as Wings fans... we're not supposed to feel the feeling of complete disgrace, humility, embarrassment.

That was rough.

On the upside... maybe we're just getting it all out of the way now ... maybe ??

On the upside... I took one of the Rundown Roomies to their first ever NHL game. We also saw Larry Murphy... a hot dog-less Larry Murphy...(wow, this night was bad on so many levels for the Red Wings.)

However, I do have just one thing to say about Red Wings fans. I'm sorry, but NEVER will I sit at Joe Louis Arena (or any arena for that matter) and boo the Wings. It doesn't matter if they're losing by 1934o342 goals. I will NEVER boo them. Why kick them when they're already down? Most nights the fans are the 6 skater on the ice for the Wings... tonight we turned on our team mates. And I'm disappointed in that. Look, there will always be time when things don't go our way. Tonight was a perfect example of that. We need to suck it up and look ahead to the next game. Move on.

I'm not saying that there was any excuse for tonight's loss because their isn't. It was a slap in that face that's for sure, but we can't just give up on them because of one game. Us Wings fans are very dedicated and very passionate about our team, but there is absolutely no reason why we should boo them.

Now I'm just rambling.

Next up, Nashville. Saturday.

Go Wings.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I do believe that might have been one of the worst losses I have seen in my life (or would have seen had I been able to keep my eyes open long enough to watch). Of course, it makes it worse that people are already booing the Red Wings for their performance and already one person has stated "Thank God that game's over. I've never been more embarrassed to be from Detroit......". That is a disgrace. For a team that is in the playoffs, in the lead within their division at the moment (I don't want to jinx it further), it is utterly shameful to be embarrassed about it. The team knows that was a horrendous crescendo to their god-awful opus of a performance over the last couple of games. I wish to hope that the Wings would take it in good stride and that as you say, get it out of the system. However, I feel it is important to echo that quite clearly, there is no need to be ashamed of being from Detroit nor boo them at all.
