Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Rundown - "It's Like Shooting Ducks at a Circus"

Yes, Mickey Redmond said that. I think he was going for "Like shooting ducks at a carnival." Either way, you can always count on Mickey to bring some afternoon entertainment.... and for the sports announcer quote of the game.

The Wings won their second straight tonight by defeating the Minnesota Wild 4-2.... ALSO... with the win comes another Central Division Title. The Wings won their 9th Division Title in 10 years, way to go boys.

Onto the Rundown...

It was nice to see Pavel Datsyuk back in the line up tonight after missing 8 games. It was also quite obvious that Pav was happy to be back in too. Pav had one assist tonight and his presence on the ice was a great addition to the team.

Darren Helm started the scoring for the Wings with helpers from Eaves and Rafalski. Helm now has 12 goals this season... building off of his career best.

Lidstrom added another one towards the end of the first, which looked like it was tipped in by Datsyuk... but wasn't.

In the second Tomas Holmstrom scored what he would consider a long shot. Homer's goal was outside of the crease, facing the goalie. I couldn't believe my eyes. Homer scored a big boy goal. (Don't get me wrong. I LOVE that Homer gets goal after goal after goal right in front of the net... it's just odd to see him get a goal the way he did tonight. Way to go Homer.)

Franzen scored a goal in the third. Franzen hasn't been too hot on the goals lately, so its nice to see the Mule net one.

Also, in the third, big boy Johnathan Ericsson took a puck to the face. Goodbye pretty boy looks.

Let's keep the W's coming our way. Up next - The Hurricanes, Wednesday. (Where I hope my favorite Swede, Nik Kronwall will make his return... pleasepleaseplease!)

Side Note- I WANT THE PLAYOFFS TO START! Getting that itch for some play off hockey... so close!

Go Wings!

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