Monday, October 10, 2011

A Note on Detroit

It's a wonderful time to be a Detroit sports fan.

I know it's cliche... but really, it is a wonderful time.

And I couldn't be happier. I love having the problem of not knowing what game to watch. I like that the "last" button on my remote control gets a work out almost every night because there are so many Detroit sports teams playing.

Our teams have brought us together... and their successes have made it just that much sweeter. There is nothing better than going to the grocery store and having a stranger say "Go Tigers!" when they notice your tiger shirt as you walk through the cereal aisle. I'll be the first to admit, I'm pretty tough on the Tigers. But what they've accomplished this season has even turned me into a believer.

And... for most of us, we've never really got to experience the Lions quite like this. Seriously - when was the last time we were ACTUALLY excited for a Lions game. When was the last time the city of Detroit actually got to look forward to a huge football game like the one that's happening tonight? (and no.. the Super Bowl doesn't count.) For as long as I can remember, every time you put on a Lions game, there would be "fans" in the crowd with bags over their heads so that their buddies wouldn't know that they went to the game. Then there was the "FIRE MILLEN" era... yuck...

BUT! THAT'S ALL OVER NOW! the Lions are going undefeated into their first Monday Night Football game since 2001. The Lions... undefeated. It's fantastic!

Then there are our Red Wings. They've kind of been able to fly under the radar lately with all the excitement that the other teams have brought. Still, they've opened up the season with back-to-back wins and look like they have another exciting season in store for us.

All of these things are quite obvious to us now, but let's not take it for granted. Let's all take a minute to sit back and appreciate what these teams are doing for our city, our spirit, and our pride. These teams make me proud to say that I'm from Detroit. They show the heart, the courage, and the determination that we all have. Our teams are showing the rest of the world that hard work pays off - and boy, you won't find harder workers than the ones that live in and around the D.

And with that...


and of course...


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