Sunday, February 13, 2011

I'll have the Bertuzzi Special

The Red Wings welcomed the Boston Bruins into the Joe this afternoon, the second meeting between these two teams in three days. The Wings got the W and another 2 points… here’s the rundown…
First Period-
  • With 19:59 left in the first, I already missed Ken and Mickey. And Murph. I always miss Murph. Anyways, I’m not to fond of the NBC broadcasts… but more on that later.
  • Within the first two minutes of the game, Tyler Seguin scored leaving me to believe that Friday night was just a lucky night for the wings. 0-1. But not to worry, Todd Bertuzzi, who probably kills bears in his free time, scored an unassisted goal. It was kind of an odd goal, going off his skate, then off Tim Thomas’ pad, then flipped off of Tuzzi’s stick into the back of the net. 1-1.
Red Wings rush the net looking for a goal.
  • During a break in the game, the cameras went on Darren Helm. All I have to say about this is that Darren really needs to shave that “beard” of his. Unless of course, he’s just trying to get a head start on his playoff beard… if that’s the case, he needs all the help and time he can get.
  • Drapes took an interference penalty and Brand Marchand scored. 1-2. There wasn’t much Jimmy could have done to stop that one.
No penalties called as Holmstrom gets roughed up against the boards.
  • The period would end 1-2, Boston in the lead and the Wings on a power play. A power play that came 8 crosschecks and 1 hit in the face too late. Seriously, how many times does Holmstrom have to checked into the boards before a ref decides to make a call? Ridiculous.
  • Also, on a side note, I pretended the Red Wings Power Play was brought to me by Bell Tire, not Bud Light.
Second Period-
  • At the start of the second, Pavel Datsyuk strolled out on the ice, took a shot, got a goal. Then he shrugged it off like it was no big deal. The guy makes it look so easy. He probably could have done the same thing with a blindfold on and his arms tied behind his back. 2-2.
  • Later on in the period, Bertuzzi took a hit to the knee. He felt it immediately and my heart dropped. He skated off the ice slowly, then went into the locker room. A few minutes later, ‘Tuzzi was back out on the ice and skating fine. I will admit, it took awhile for me to come around on Tuzzi. But he plays hard, he plays with heart, and he plays well. I’ve become a softie for Bertuzzi. Who would have ever guessed?
    Thomas lets in the 3rd Wings goal of the game.
  • Kris Draper had a BEAUTIFUL goal off of some BEAUTIFUL passes from Helm and Eaves. Those guys are so much fun to watch. Its always nice to see Drapes get a goal too. 3-2.
  • At the end of the second Kronwall Kronwalled Caron. Doc Emrick then said the BROADCASTER QUOTE OF THE GAME when he said: “Caron just experienced a Kronwallian hit.” A Kronwallian hit, eh? Interesting…
Third Period-
    Franzen sets up Bertuzzi for his 2nd goal of the game.
  • Not much excitement in the third. Greg Campbell got a tripping penalty. Too bad his Daddy couldn’t get him out of that one. I was hoping the Wings would have gotten another goal on the power play, but the scoring had to wait until ‘Tuzzi got his 4th goal of the weekend. 4-2.

Other Notes:
  • Berttuzi outscored the Bruins 4-3 this weekend all by himself.
  • Stef predicted the score of the game. She wins 10 points. She also went to game today where Osgood was honored before the game for his 400th win.
  • It seems to look like Mr. Westland, Mike Modano will make a comeback by the end of February, earlier than expected.
  • Filppula is still out with a knee injury.

Here’s to hoping the winning continues.

Go Wings. 

{Photo Credit belongs to Stefanie Mullins}

1 comment:

  1. Little late on the Bertuzzi Bandwagon.

    Its good to have you. : )
