Friday, April 15, 2011

Warm-Up: Round 1, Game 2. Phoenix @ Detroit


After going up 1-o in the series, the Wings host the Dogs from Phoenix one more time at the Joe this afternoon. After Game 1, there are a few things that we learned:
1. Special teams, special teams, special teams. Our special teams need to continue to dominate, especially in power play situations. Wings should take full advantage of Phoenix's not so great play when they're faced with a penalty.
2. Start on time. No more of this waiting til the 2nd period to start playing.
3. Keeping the penalties to a minimum. This will be tough to do considering the ref's will call just about anything and everything possible on the Wings.

Henrik Zetterberg- Lower Body Injury
It would seem that Kindl is a for sure scratch... not sure if Babs plans on rotating forwards. If not, Modano will be sitting.

What To Look For:
Octopi. Boy do I hope I see lots of them.
Apparently, the NHL is doing all they can to stop the octopus throwing traditon for Red Wings fans. LAME. Completely LAME. The NHL now plans on making fans who throw "objects" on the ice pay a fine. First they take away Al's privilege of twirling the octopus on the ice and force him to twirl it in the zamboni entrance...okay,fine, we'll deal with it. But now this? If fans can't throw octopi on the ice, then they shouldn't be able to throw hats for hat tricks. Taking away our octopus tradition is completely ridiculous.

Octopus Count: 6


Final Score:
Stef- 5-2, Wings
Danielle- 4-2, Wings

Player of the Game:
Stef- Johan Franzen
Danielle- Pavel Datsyuk

Go Wings!

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