Friday, April 29, 2011

Warm-Up: Round 2, Game 1 Detroit @ San Jose

The Warm-Up:

After what seemed like months without Red Wings hockey, our boys in red and white will hit the ice and take on the San Jose Sharks tonight. As we all know, the Sharks were responsible for knocking the Wings out of the playoffs last season and the Wings will be sure to fight as hard as they can to make sure history doesn't repeat itself this time around.

The Sharks won 3 of the 4 regular season match-ups between these two teams. It will be interesting to see how they match up tonight, both teams have strong lines, lots of goal scorers. Special teams will also be important through out the series.


Kris Draper, Mike Modano, and Jakub Kindl should be the healthy scratches this evening.

What To Look For:

Justin Abdelkader and Darren Helm. These two guys made themselves known in the first round, I can only see them getting better from here.

Other Notes:

Happy Birthday to the one and only, Mike Babcock!


Series Prediction:
Stef- Wings in 5
Danielle - Wings in 6

Player of the Series:
Stef- Pavel Datsyuk
Danielle- Darren Helm

Final Score:
Stef- 4-2, Wings
Danielle- 4-3, Wings

Player of the Game:
Stef- Pavel Datsyuk
Danielle- Danny Cleary

Go Wings!

1 comment:

  1. I believe Detroit can make it through. San Jose may seem a great contender but if we could analyze the players behind and their capability no doubt Detroit will win. Nice blogs though. Gotta get my
    Treat someone special to some Red Wings tickets now so i won't miss any single game.
