Friday, May 6, 2011

Warm-Up: Round 2, Game 4 San Jose @ Detroit

The Warm Up:

They say history repeats itself. Tonight- it better not.

It's do or die time.
It's now or never.
Tonight Hockeytown, we need to believe.
Believe that our boys can come flying out onto the ice tonight. Believe that even though we're down by three, we're not out. Believe that this team has what it takes to win game 4 just so that our season can see a few more days (hopefully weeks). It's not going to be easy, but if any team has enough heart to do this, it's the Red Wings.

The Wings host the San Jose Sharks tonight at 7. All the pieces need to come together for the Wings tonight, otherwise they'll spend tomorrow reserving tee-times.


Mike Modano, Drew Miller, Jakub Kindl are the healthy scratches tonight.

Other Notes:

There's a lot of talk around town about the end of careers for some of the guys on the team. Modano, Osgood, maybe Lidstrom, maybe Draper. We all know that these guys are towards the end of their careers but for god's sake, can we PLEASE save the retirement talks for after the playoffs? Our guys have more important things to worry about right now.

Let's do this boys.

Go Wings!

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