Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Warm-Up: Round 2, Game 6 San Jose @ Detroit


"We're not a team that's going to give up. We're going to keep battling until its over."
-Nick Lidstrom

Once again, ladies and gents, the season is on the line. The Wings need to win this one to force a game 7 back in San Jose. If the Wings can play a complete game (not just the third period), I believe they will come out with a win.

And that's what we all need to do... Believe.

Hometown Hero, Mike Modano will suit up tonight to after Mike Babcock announced this morning that Johan Franzen is scratched. Franzen had just over 9 minutes of ice time on Sunday night and didn't play in the third period

Also, The Sharks will be without Rayne Clowe tonight... there's been various reports on what's wrong with him. Some say he has 'flu like symptoms' others say he has an 'upper body injury' ... either way you look at it, he's just recovering from being kronwalled.


Jakub Kindl and Jiri Hudler are the healthy scratches.
Johan Franzen out with an ankle injury/lower body injury.

Other Notes:

It's now or never.
Alright boys, let's do this.

Go Wings!

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