Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Warm-Up: Washington @ Detroit


Detroit welcomes Mr. Ovechkin and the Capitols tonight at the Joe. The Caps have been on fire lately winning their past nine games. The Wings have won the past two. I for one, am very excited about tonight's game. Well I was.. until about 5 minutes ago when I got word that the Wings were calling up JoeyMac...again... Where does that put Ozzie? Needless to say.. I just had a major freak-out moment. (yes I know Ozzie wasn't going to play tonight anyway, but still.)

On a happier note- it should be fun to see Ovi play against Pavel. Plus there seems to be a lot of fuss about the last time Jimmy Howard faced Ovechkin and how Howard is looking for "revenge." I'm pretty sure Jimmy isn't looking for any revenge, he's probably just looking for a win.


Eaves is scratched tonight. He's good to go though whenever he comes back though.
Salei is also out, hes with his wife who's ready to have their third child any time now.

Miller is also a scratch.

Osgood is out tonight too. He reported that he is not ready to play yet after coming off of sports hernia surgery.

Other Notes-
If Ovechkin gets an Ovechtrick I might have to look into getting his jersey...


Final Score:
Stef: 3-2, Wings
Danielle: 4-3, Wings

Player of the Game-
Stef: Nicklas Lidstrom
Danielle: Valterri Filppula (its a Finnish holiday, let's have the Finn have some fun)

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